How many of you have a surplus of things? Clothes, cars, cleaning supplies, curtains, perfume, etc.? Do you sit around thinking about buying more ? Does buying more things truly fill the void in your life? If not, why do you continue doing it? Some would answer, "I enjoy shopping"! Another answer would be, "I have extra money to spend, so why not spend it on me"! I have also heard, "It makes me feel better when I'm upset"! I'm not done, I have one more: "It's my money"! OH? I do not own the rights to this photo I know of two things indulgence does! It increases the clutter in your home, that causes stress and confusion; and the other one is, it depletes the bank account - if you live from paycheck to paycheck! All of the bills are paid, and low and behold, you have some extra money this month! The first thing most people do is say, "I am going shopping to buy me something"! The thing you are living without, you t...