“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a
peace rally, invite me.” ~ Mother Teresa
Teresa understood the importance of division. If you are anti-anything, Christ
is not in you! I have used this quote before, but this is how we have grown
farther and farther away, even in our churches to fear, separation, hate,
lying, and opposition of one another!
If you
are not in Christ Jesus, you do not understand the powerful symbolic meaning of
the blood that was shed. Jesus took the keys of Heaven and hell and “All” power
is in His hands~ yet we bow down to Satan’s ways.
In John
14:27 (TLB) Jesus said, “I am leaving
you with a gift—peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile
like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the
Father’s point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans and widows, and
who remains true to the Lord—not soiled and dirtied by his contacts with the
world. James 1:27 (TLB)
If a
man comes into your church dressed in expensive clothes and with valuable gold
rings on his fingers, and at the same moment another man comes in who is poor
and dressed in threadbare clothes, 3 and you
make a lot of fuss over the rich man and give him the best seat in the house
and say to the poor man, “You can stand over there if you like or else sit on
the floor”—well, 4 judging a man by his wealth shows that you are guided by wrong
5 Listen to me, dear brothers: God has chosen poor people to be rich
in faith, and the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs, for that is the gift God has
promised to all those who love him. 6 And
yet, of the two strangers, you have despised the poor man. Don’t you realize
that it is usually the rich men who pick on you and drag you into court? 7 And all
too often they are the ones who laugh at Jesus Christ, whose noble name you
8 Yes indeed, it is good when you truly obey our Lord’s command,
“You must love and help your neighbors just as much as you love and take care
of yourself.” 9 But you are breaking this law of our Lord’s when you favor the
rich and fawn over them; it is sin. James 2:2-9 (TLB)
The proof is in the "putting" ~ your own ways, not Christ's!
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