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Money Can't Buy "Everything"!


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When my son was going into the eighth grade, the school invited those who wanted to attend, to an open house. They served desserts and punch while the parents and students mingled with each other and the teachers. I was in the lobby talking with other parents that came by, when my son came up to me with two of his friends following him, and said, “Mom what would you do if I got a tattoo when I get older”? I didn’t even ponder the thought, nor did I become agitated at the question. My question to him was, “What do you want to do in life? Do you want to be a doctor, a lawyer ~ what professional would you like to become”?  He responded, “I don’t know yet. I haven’t thought about it”.  I asked him, “If you went to a doctor and he had several tattoos on his body, would you go to that doctor”? His response was "no", as if to say, "I never thought about it that way"! I responded, “Don’t do anything in life you can’t undo”. He asked in bewilderment, “What do

Sucker Punched!

In our world today we are separated and divided by Black and White. We all have our own stereotype of what it is to be African-American and what it is to be Caucasian. Society has portrayed being African American as a race afllicted with poverty, anger, deceit and ignorance. Whether the accusations are true or false, the news media focuses on people of African descent to keep the weak in mind and spirit believing its true – including African Americans! I do not own the rights to this photo  The past is not uncovered to keep you in bondage; but to keep you humble and rely on Jesus! If you read your bible faithfully, you have read the story of God telling Abram that his people will be slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. (Genesis 15:13) After their captivity, they were let go to possess the land promised to them. Although the journey to the Promised Land was eleven days, it took them forty years to arrive. (Deuteronomy 1:1-11) Why? There vision and God's vision did not coincide

We Walk in the Light!

My daughter communicated to me sometime in September that she was going to tell her six year old daughter that there is no such thing as Santa Claus. I thought, “ Let her be a child; then I said  (knowing Santa is not symbolic of Christmas) , “If that’s what you feel in your heart, do it! It’s your house and your daughter”. Dylan and her little brother! Well she told her that day and the conversation went like this: Tara (My daughter): Dylan, Mommy wants to tell you something! Dylan (My Granddaughter): What Mommy? Tara : I want to tell you that there is no such thing as Santa Clause. Mommy and Daddy buy your toys, wrap them up and put them under the tree Dylan : Oh, so you and Daddy are magic huh? Tara : (chuckles)! No, we are not magic Dylan; we work to pay for the gifts you receive. Dylan : I don’t believe you, because Santa goes to all of the kid’s houses and leaves gifts for everyone! Tara : Well Dylan, there is no Santa Clause and one day you wil