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Out of the Mouth!

I just heard the most profound thing watching an old sitcom. Although I have heard the story of baby Jesus being born in a manger many times, I had never heard it told the way it was presented in this episode.
While watching “Mama's Family”, Thelma Harper (her stage name) played by Vicki Lawrence, happened to be in the midst of homeless victims who were gathered downtown to receive goodies from a group of college students. She showed up because her grandson took her wallet by accident. However, her grandson didn't go because the college group got wind the police were going to be there so they opted out. During the whole ordeal all of those present were all arrested for loitering basically in a public place.
Before she knew it, she was herded to jail with the rest of those present. After she realized what was going on, she refused to cooperate and be put in jail. She put up a good fight too; not physically, but by trying to persuade the police they were making a big mistake because she wasn't homeless. Thelma told them she only came downtown to find her grandson who had her wallet. She wasn't as persuasive as she would have liked and was put in the cell anyway with women, one child, and men; while standing at the cell door yelling, “I'm NOT staying in this cell with dirty, homeless people”.
After realizing what came out of her mouth, she quickly apologized to those in the cell and tried to smooth it over by saying, "I'm not saying you all in here are bad people, but I don't belong here"! Finally she gave up and the only child in the cell came up to her and said; "Miss? You can have my seat"! And Thelma humbled herself, knelt down and asked the little girl, "Sweetie, what are you doing in here?" The little girl said, "Me and my Mom are homeless and have nowhere to go. We were living out of our car until they came and towed it away." Then Thelma bowed her head and told the little girl that she would not take her seat, she would just sit in the corner next to this homeless lady. Once she sat down, this woman she sat next to said, " Hello Thelma!" And she quickly turned to this woman, to her surprise, she was a relative. Of course, she wanted to know why she was there, so she asked. The woman told her that when her husband died, she lost him and the farm; and at her age it was hard to find work. So for two years she has been roaming the streets. She responded; "You can't have an apartment if you can't pay the rent"!

While all of this was going on, the Mayor had called the police department and commanded the police officers to free the homeless people. The policemen were indifferent about doing so and remarked that it's election year and the Mayor wants to look like he cares about the homeless to get votes. They obeyed the Mayor's orders, attempted to release everyone; but Thelma, after hearing all of the stories of why so many were homeless, told the police they can't release no one - because none of them have no where to go. Yes, you guessed it! She argued with the police and refused to leave or let the people leave until they found some place for them to go. During this confrontation, the policeman had the cell door slightly open with the key still in the door and Thelma grabbed the keys, put them down her shirt, slammed the door; and told the police come and get them if they could. This time the policeman tried to persuade her that she didn't belong in the cell with all of these homeless people and that she was different then the rest. She softly said; " I know of a baby that was born in a barn. The parents tried to find a place to have the baby, but that was the only available place.” Without even thinking, the policeman said; Well lady, that's what happens when you are poor"! And Thelma said, "The baby I'm talking about was Jesus!" The policeman spoke before he thought, but actually, he spoke what he felt in his heart - and he tried to smooth it over also.
After much determination from Thelma, everyone was released; whereas, the show concluded with Thelma and her relative sitting on the couch thanking the local church for allowing all those in the jail to stay there until all of them were placed in a safe and clean place to live. In addition, Thelma told her relative that she would help her find a place of her own; however, she had to stay with her until that happened. 
The moral of the story, I gathered, is Thelma was in the right place at the right time not by choice; but by purpose (God's purpose) so those who have fallen can be restored - and because Thelma is woman of courage, grit, tenacity, love, and determination, God knows those are the ones He puts on the front line to fight and win battles. Thelma made sure her voice was heard, "LOUD AND CLEAR" that it doesn't take money or compassion, it takes a “WILL” to want to! No this is not a true story, but it made me think of all the times we are put in a situation just like Thelma; but many of us choose to walk away - because we are "Self-Centered", instead of "God-Centered"! 


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