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Showing posts from March, 2018

God is in "Control"!

The students who marched boldly, stepped out and reached out to gain the attention of our leaders. It is a sad situation and the act of violence that truly needs to cease! As I briefly listened, the stories were not just with our schools, but in our communities, our homes, and our jobs. We are in harms way every where we go. It's not the guns, or is it poverty, wealth or the situation our lives have turned to; it's deeper than that! It comes back to the fear, the anger, and the hate that is warring in our spirit and soul to ignite the violence and use weapons that destroy and kill.  Picture Courtesy of my nephew Dere While listening to the protestors, I heard anger, fear, and exhaustion in their voices also; because they too want change that moves all of us to a state of "Peace" and "Love"!  Not so long ago, we heard, "Black lives matter"; and now it's back to addressing the numerous and continuous shootings in the schools.  The struggl

You're not the ONLY one!

Why do we do that? You know, act like we are the most mistreated people in the world! If you stop to have a “brief” conversation with someone, in 3 minutes of listening to them, they have told you ALL about their troubles; and how it is destroying their lives. Yes, I am on a roll; because, I too, caught myself feeling blue – and for what? For no apparent reason other than Satan putting thoughts into my mind of what is not right in my life; whereas, basically, something didn't go the way I wanted it to, or expected it to, so I immediately went into a “feel sorry” mode! No one has thrown me under the bus other than my selfish desires. If things don't go our way, some have temper tantrums (yes even as adults), many force the issue and hurt others along that way with no conscious of how and who they hurt, and most sit around magnifying their misery by meditating on it to the point of either medicating themselves to numb the pain; or using another means of pleasure that ca