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Showing posts from August, 2014

Appetizer #2 Mental Attitude Cont'd

Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to Thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7 (TLB) All is well in our thoughts, our minds and our attitudes when we pray. I know from my own experience how easy it is to get frustrated and dreadful about a situation before it happens. I know that many of us women have a pap smear annually. About a month before we are scheduled to have it, we begin to have anxiety, remorse in being a woman and sometimes we put it off hoping that will ease all of the emotions that are connected to this annual necessity. I don't know if I ever became comfortable in having this...

Mental Attitude Cont'd

Within ourselves, it is easy for us to reflect back on our mistakes, our failures, and what we feel , is our successes. Who is keeping track of all of this? No one ~~~~~ we are the only ones that are keeping track of our accomplishments and failures and judging ourselves harshly, because we look at what the world is doing and feel we are not succeeding at all!  Ugh! I know I have compared myself and what I have done or not done in life and when I realized why I wasn't happy or successful, I took a long look at me and decided it is time to truly evaluate what it is I am doing wrong. And when I did that I found out through God's word that NOTHING is wrong with me. There is more right than wrong! Many of us women, and there are very few who do not, tend to compare ourselves. We look at this woman who is thin, or this woman who has long flowing hair, or this woman whose teeth is straight and white, or this woman whose is built nice - - - - - - - -- -Who said we had to be perfec...
Appetizer # 2 -Mental Attitude ~ a state of feeling or mind about a person or situation WOW! I know that I have had some bad attitudes in situations that were not necessary to even entertain. I can recall one of my many times I developed an attitude before I allowed myself a good attitude about going to a community dance in my hometown. I just knew it was going to be boring and the people that were going to be there, I had nothing in common with (or I thought),  many of them there were not my age; and I did not have anything nice to wear, I needed to make sure my children were sleep first, and on and on and on - -  "Geez" I kept coming up with excuse, after excuse, after excuse!! My negative attitude about going to this dance could have kept me - - -- well, what many of us pass up - - - it's called "living"; IF, I would not have regrouped and decided to go anyway.  I found a babysitter, obviously found something to wear with a pair of my many fabulous sho...

Ambition Cont'd

It's been a week of trials, however, I am determined to overcome them. I had a severe reaction to something (Only God knows what) that myself nor the doctors were able to figure out what caused my face to swell beyong recognition. After I finished the meds, which took about two weeks; I developed a severe sore throat in which I could not even swallow-------after a few home remedies, I thought it would go away, but NOT! A severe cold developed that is now FINALLY going away. At the moment just a few coughs and sniffles remain! :)  It feels good to FEEL GOOD! I tell you the devil is busy, but not lasting! Whereas, I can still find the good in life, get back on track and be "Ambitious" about promoting women. Several wonderful events will be coming ladies so please check back often. With God's help, there is going to be: A concert A benefit event to raise money and encourage viewers and the attendees of the event t o donate tampons, pads, or anything that women ...

Appetizer #1 Ambition

I can't express first how Happy I am to introduce my Menu for Success to all women who want to have success in every area of their lives. The menu consists of: Appetizers -food for thought Sandwiches - challenges and struggles we have  Main Course served with self-esteem, knowledge and self discipline  Desserts - extra curricular activities, such as hobbies or a great getaway Drinks -Satisfaction to wash it all down  So as not to bore you with all of my small talk, I am going to start as we do in a restaurant, (if some desire)  with appetizers. The first appetizer (and there are thirteen in all) for discussion is Ambition. Ambition is defined as- a strong desire to succeed.  If we so desire, we can be ambitious about obtaining a degree, or pursuing that perfect job; once we get the degree, or -----------