Within ourselves, it is easy for us to reflect back on our mistakes, our failures, and what we feel , is our successes. Who is keeping track of all of this? No one ~~~~~ we are the only ones that are keeping track of our accomplishments and failures and judging ourselves harshly, because we look at what the world is doing and feel we are not succeeding at all! Ugh! I know I have compared myself and what I have done or not done in life and when I realized why I wasn't happy or successful, I took a long look at me and decided it is time to truly evaluate what it is I am doing wrong. And when I did that I found out through God's word that NOTHING is wrong with me. There is more right than wrong!

Many of us women, and there are very few who do not, tend to compare ourselves. We look at this woman who is thin, or this woman who has long flowing hair, or this woman whose teeth is straight and white, or this woman whose is built nice - - - - - - - -- -Who said we had to be perfect to achieve anything good in life and to receive anything good in life? When we compare, first of all ladies, we set ourselves up for failure. God molded us into who we are today and in His eyes we are perfect and wonderfully made. I am not saying we should become haughtly or conceited; but I am saying we should love ourselves enough so that we can have healthy relationships with others. Constantly having a negative attitude will keep us down, unhappy, and at times, depressed. Who are we trying to please, man or God?

To be on this path of a good mental attitude about ourselves does not happen overnight, in fact, it does not happen at all without effort on your part, and to want to live a healthy God-filled life, we have to want to grow, change and become all He wants us to be! Take a good look at yourself tonight before you go to bed and truly look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate you! Do not look at what is wrong with you, but focus on what you do like about you and keep going from there! It's a mountain you are going to climb, but with God's help, you will not climb it alone!
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