Appetizer # 2 -Mental Attitude ~ a state of feeling or mind about a person or situation
WOW! I know that I have had some bad attitudes in situations that were not necessary to even entertain. I can recall one of my many times I developed an attitude before I allowed myself a good attitude about going to a community dance in my hometown. I just knew it was going to be boring and the people that were going to be there, I had nothing in common with (or I thought), many of them there were not my age; and I did not have anything nice to wear, I needed to make sure my children were sleep first, and on and on and on - - "Geez" I kept coming up with excuse, after excuse, after excuse!! My negative attitude about going to this dance could have kept me - - -- well, what many of us pass up - - - it's called "living"; IF, I would not have regrouped and decided to go anyway.
I found a babysitter, obviously found something to wear with a pair of my many fabulous shoes I am always buying ~~~ and to my amazement, showed up on time. Of course I went solo. I can't recall where my husband was at the time; because I was still married then.
Once I got to the event, I was able to sit at the table with my parents and some of their friends. I am currently giggling because they were a blast to be around and these young folks, I call them, knew how to have a good time and they danced the night away. They got out on the dance floor and showed us some dances we did not know how to do and still to this day do not know how to do! (SMILING) It was an evening of dancing, laughing, talking, eating and truly socializing with some of the most Blessed crowd I could have been around. When I left the event, I felt - - - -well I'm almost afraid to say it, but GOOD! As I reflect back to other times I have not gone because of my attitude, I do ask myself- - - would I have had a good time? I don't beat up on myself too bad; however, I do give myself a good talking to and remember, life is happening all around me and people are enjoying life daily - - why can't I?
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