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Out of View!

I was sitting on the couch just the other night and decided I wanted to watch something on TV that made me laugh. I know those who have a TV and cable, there are numerous channels that you can choose from. So I began with the lowest number and went to as high as the numbers would take me until it said “Off Air”.

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During my search, I found shows such as CSI, Castle, House, Maury, House Wives of Atlanta, News, The Perfect Murder, Most Terrifying Places in America, Fatal Attractions, Dateline: Real Life Mysteries, American Greed; Scams, Scoundrels and Scandals, Divorce Court, Jerry Springer, Cops, The Walking Dead, Elementary, The Closer – should I go on?

I honestly could not find anything that was not about adultery, murder, stealing, jealousy, sex, confrontations, vampires, zombies, drugs, and alcohol!
Then he thundered, “Call those to whom I have given the city! Tell them to bring their weapons with them!”
Six men appeared at his call, coming from the upper north gate, each one with his sword. One of them wore linen clothing and carried a writer’s case strapped to his side. They all went into the Temple and stood beside the bronze altar. And the glory of the God of Israel rose from between the Guardian Angels where it had rested and stood above the entrance to the Temple.
And the Lord called to the man with the writer’s case and said to him, “Walk through the streets of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who weep and sigh because of all the sins they see around them.”
Then I heard the Lord tell the other men: “Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead isn’t marked. Spare not nor pity them— kill them all—old and young, girls, women, and little children; but don’t touch anyone with the mark. And begin right here at the Temple.” And so they began by killing the seventy elders.
And he said, “Defile the Temple! Fill its courts with the bodies of those you kill! Go!” And they went out through the city and did as they were told.
While they were fulfilling their orders, I was alone. I fell to the ground on my face and cried out: “O Lord God! Will your fury against Jerusalem wipe out everyone left in Israel?”
But he said to me, “The sins of the people of Israel and Judah are very great and all the land is full of murder and injustice, for they say, ‘The Lord doesn’t see it! He has gone away!’ And so I will not spare them nor have any pity on them, and I will fully repay them for all that they have done.”
Just then the man in linen clothing, carrying the writer’s case, reported back and said, “I have finished the work you gave me to do.” Ezekiel 9 TLB

I’ve heard so many of us say, “It’s what people do nowadays”! Really? I would like to ask you several questions and you can answer them at your leisure. They are as follows:  Do you get up first thing and read scriptures from your bible? Do you pray daily and thank God for his provisions? Do you go about your day seeking the good in others verses what they do wrong or how they act? If they do act out of character, do you pray for them or do you speak ill of them? What truly brings you joy?

I do not own the rights to this photo 

It’s never too late to turn your thoughts toward God and your actions to mirror his ways and behavior. I am quietly laughing to myself, because many of you have in your mind (from observing the organized churches) that being a Christian is boring, and many of the people are stuffy. True; but there are more that are not! Being a child of God has so much joy and enjoyment!

I remember as a young child I made up my mind that I would not watch movies about biblical scriptures because the disposition of the people being portrayed was somber and aloof (which again, it’s how they see people in the church act)! If you truly think about it, would you want to follow someone who never smiled or was very serious? I’ll answer it for you – No! Many of us gravitate towards people who make us laugh and are fun to be around. That is my image of who Jesus is! He is fun to be around and has a great sense of humor. If this wasn’t so, why did He have so many followers?
Praise the Lord, you angels of his; praise his glory and his strength. Praise him for his majestic glory, the glory of his name. Come before him clothed in sacred garments.
The voice of the Lord echoes from the clouds. The God of glory thunders through the skies. So powerful is his voice; so full of majesty. It breaks down the cedars. It splits the giant trees of Lebanon. It shakes Mount Lebanon and Mount Sirion. They leap and skip before him like young calves! The voice of the Lord thunders through the lightning. It resounds through the deserts and shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord spins and topples the mighty oaks. It strips the forests bare. They whirl and sway beneath the blast. But in his Temple all are praising, “Glory, glory to the Lord.”
At the Flood the Lord showed his control of all creation. Now he continues to unveil his power. He will give his people strength. He will bless them with peace. Psalm 29 TLB


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