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It's Time!

If and when we have obtained the character of Christ, we can go into a person’s home, car, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room and ideally understand why they are depressed, anxious, have self pity, confrontational, or have constant mood swings! Your thoughts and actions speak volumes in your surroundings!

On the flip side, if a person is a “neat freak”, expect everyone and everything around them to be, act, and speak with perfection are legalistic!

The reason why I say “if” and “when” is many resist becoming a Christian and feel they don’t need God to make them whole; others say I believe in God but I want some time!

Time is of the essence!

This is not always the case, but 90% of the time, proves accurate; because; "Out of the heart the mouth speaks". (Luke 6:45) Your words, actions and once again surroundings says, “I am depressed, or I am a person of doubt, or I am a person of self pity, or I am a person who does everything right”! When in all actuality you are a person with a disabled character that needs a helping hand!

We continue to look to others for our needs, go to the bank when we are not handling our finances correctly and seek counselors to help in our anxieties, marriages, or with a wayward child, and more; yet our life and circumstances are still way out of balance!

The next time you wonder how your car, once cleaned up, got back to the same mess it was 2 days ago; watch your actions; and then you will have your answer! Now do you need a Savior? YES YOU DO AND HIS NAME IS JESUS!
He also said to the crowds of people, When you see a cloud rising in the west, at once you say, It is going to rain! And so it does.
55 And when [you see that] a south wind is blowing, you say, There will be severe heat! And it occurs.

56 You playactors (hypocrites)! You know how [intelligently] to discern and interpret and prove the looks of the earth and sky; but how is it that you do not know how to discern and interpret and apply the proof to this present time? (Luke 13:54-56 AMP)



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