Over eighteen years ago, God gave me the knowledge to create a flyer ~ and to this day I am not sure
how I created it. I know the knowledge came from God because when I went to go to the computer to re-design it instead of scan it in, I could
not figure it out! Hmmmm I was a computer tech when it was designed and had the ability to figure out the ins and outs of creating a custom flyer as the one you will see shortly. But today, the knowledge is not there. It's amazing how God gives us the gifts we need at the time it is necessary to do it! ~ I know, I got off the path a little bit ~well back to the flyer and the message God wants us to receive.
The message the flyer is portraying is so profound that I became ecstatic when in all of the wonderful creations from years gone by, I found this. OH WOW ~ was my initial reaction and then I ask myself, "
What is it God wants me to do with this"? Obviously, there was work to do within me over the eighteen years to understand what it meant to me. ......... It has been a journey, and when our life is filled with trials, then and only then, can we talk about things with knowledge of it
through experience! I hope I haven't lost anyone yet.......Hang on and stay with me (Smile) ......On with the flyer!
All of our thoughts, our journeys, trials, and victories are different and on different levels. So with that in mind, please take a good look at the flyer and ask yourself, "
What in life has gotten me off the Road To Success"?,
You know when we are young how we sit around and dream of what we want to become in life, what kind of car we want to have when we have landed that perfect career, or even, what type of man we want to marry. . . . . . . To dream is wonderful and we should dream. Without dreams, we will not have hope, and without hope, we quit and give up..........Life has detours and merging traffic; whereas, if we are not careful, can take us briefly off the
"road to success"; and our intended destiny! Yes it can be a challenge, when there are times when traveling we make a wrong turn and end up where we
did not intend to be........but remember you are in the driver's seat! Sometimes you just have to fight with that steering wheel and say, "I am
not going that way"! Life does happen and some of it is unexpected!
we also have choices when we travel that road and
not allow the detours to
keep us off the path,or stay off the path. Get back in that driver's seat, flash your lights, honk your horn and smile to alert the other drivers you are merging into traffic and back onto the "
Enriched Life Rd"!
For the Lord grants wisdom! His every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding. He grants good sense to the godly - his saints. He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway. He shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision everytime. Proverbs 2:6-9 (TLB)
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