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The Journey gets better!

I pray many of you understand the concept of “Menu for Success”. Here is a review of the appetizers to refresh and stimulate your mind to:

·         Be Ambitious to read the bible

·         Have a good Mental Attitude towards others who are struggling

·         Knowledge of who you are and whose you are

·         Discipline yourself to receive spiritual food daily

·         Obtain Aspiration to work towards in your spiritual growth

·         Dream big

·         Have Objectives in mind

·         Establish Self-Respect

·         Become Confident to step out and find out what God wants you to do

·         Show Dedication to your family and your church home

·         Shed negative baggage (hate, lust, jealousy) with Sincerity

·         Understand your Self-Esteem will increase as you give your time and money to others

·         Amaze strangers how your Good Appearance shows on the inside as well as the outside

It’s been fabulous to present a small taste of “goodness” and it gets better as we go! I am now ready to introduce the “sandwiches” of “Menu for Success” ~ I hope you’re hungry!


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